phpBB [audio]: universal audio bbcode (without code changes)

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Описание: General discussion about phpBBex.
Модератор: Поддержка

Сообщение #1 VEG » 22.05.2012, 20:05

BBCode: phpBB [audio] | phpBB [video] | phpBB [media]

We are glad to present you a new universal BBCode "phpBB [audio]" which is compatible with both phpBB and phpBBex. To install you do not need to edit any files, it can be added through the admin panel or by running installation script.

Usage example

The user copies the URL of the page of the audio and inserts it between the [audio][/audio]:
Код: Выделить всё
It is displayed as follows:
phpBB [audio]

Supported audio services

Currently the following audio services are supported:
  • — the page URL and the URL from embed code
  • — the track URL, the download URL and the URL from embed code
  • — the track URL and the URL from embed code
  • — the track URL (only for tracks that support embedding)
  • — the URL from the embed code is required
  • oga, ogg, mp3, aac audio files via HTML5 <audio>
URLs do not need to be cleaned from the garbage arguments as our [audio] will work it out.

It is convenient that our bbcode is updated and new services are supported automatically. If our BBCode doesn't support the needed audio service, we will be happy to add it. In this topic, please provide the URL of the page of the audio with the audio service you're interested in and the embed code. It will help us to add support of the service. If the new audio service is demanded we will soon add the support to our audio bbcode.

Automatic installation of [audio]

1. Download (2kb)
2. Extract it to your phpbb directory
3. Run http://yourphpbb/install_bbaudio.php
4. Remove install_bbaudio.php from your phpbb directory

Manual installation of [audio]

1. Admin panel, tab "Posting", page "BBCodes", add BBCode (if you already have a [audio] then delete it).
2. In the field "BBCode usage" enter:
Код: Выделить всё
3. In the field "HTML replacement" enter (you can only change the width of the layer!):
Код: Выделить всё
<div class='bbaudio' data-url='{URL}' style='margin: 1px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom;'><div style='width: 200px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid #999; display: table-cell; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; font: 10px/10px Verdana; color: #555; opacity: 0.5;'><a style='color: #105289; text-decoration: none;' href='//' target='_blank'>phpBB</a> &#91;audio&#93;</div><script>if (typeof bbmedia == 'undefined') { bbmedia = true; var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = '//'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(e, s); }</script></div>
4. In the field "Help line" enter:
Код: Выделить всё
Insert audio: [audio][/audio]
5. Set the checkbox "Display on posting" and save the form. Done!


phpBB [audio] topic on
Russian language support on
Автор темы, Администратор
Откуда: Finland
Репутация: 1683
С нами: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщение #2 VEG » 25.05.2012, 13:27

A couple of news:
1. Now phpBB [audio] uses common code from phpBB [media]
2. Added support of service:
Код: Выделить всё
Автор темы, Администратор
Откуда: Finland
Репутация: 1683
С нами: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщение #3 guess » 30.07.2014, 14:34

Hi buddy, nice feature! I wonder if it's possible to play an uploaded audio file, besides files hosted in an external sound server (like soundcloud)

Добавлено спустя 4 часа 3 минуты:
Hello? :smile:

Сообщение #4 VEG » 31.07.2014, 10:21

guess, yes, you can play Ogg Vorbis/Opus/MP3/AAC files via BB [audio] if your browser supports it.
Автор темы, Администратор
Откуда: Finland
Репутация: 1683
С нами: 12 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщение #5 guess » 31.07.2014, 19:31

Ok, buddy, thanks for answering.

Сообщение #6 guess » 20.08.2014, 17:05

Hi again, buddy. I'm making some test with your bbcode. After installing it (I chose media bbocde, instead of installing audio and video), I'm trying to play an uploaded mp3 file, as I asked you some days ago, but it doesn't work, the only thing I get is this:



What am I doing wrong? Could you please help me?

Сообщение #7 ЖЪРЧИК » 20.08.2014, 17:18

guess, upload file on or other service and copy url from share. phpBBex dont play your attachment mp3-files
Код: Выделить всё
phpBB [media]

phpBB [media]
Репутация: 174
С нами: 10 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщение #8 guess » 20.08.2014, 17:34

Yes, ЖЪРЧИК, I know that :weirdface: Please read existing replies before answering. I asked days ago to VEG if uploaded files can be played and he answered 'yes'.

Сообщение #9 ЖЪРЧИК » 20.08.2014, 17:41

guess, apparently he did not understand the question, but play of attachments is possible only in a new tab-window browser. :nervious:
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С нами: 10 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщение #10 guess » 20.08.2014, 18:07

Well, in this case, it's a pity... I thought that I finally found a mod/bbcode which could play uploaded media... Bye :wink:

Сообщение #11 Sumanai » 20.08.2014, 18:18

It is possible, in phpBBex is implemented without BBCode, with the help of a group of extensions added. For phpBB ready code no.
But the return of investment in phpBB is implemented poorly, and creates a very high load on the server.
Sumanai M
Репутация: 1678
С нами: 12 лет

Сообщение #12 VEG » 26.08.2014, 12:43

guess:I asked days ago to VEG if uploaded files can be played and he answered 'yes'.
BB [media] can play uploaded files via direct link. It means you have to upload file via FTP and use direct URL for BB [media]. BB [media] can't play files from attachments.
Автор темы, Администратор
Откуда: Finland
Репутация: 1683
С нами: 12 лет 9 месяцев

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