Introduction. What is phpBBex?

Список разделов phpBBex in English General

Описание: General discussion about phpBBex.
Модератор: Поддержка

Сообщение #1 VEG » 11.05.2012, 16:59

phpBB 3 is a popular free forum. The first version was published in 2000, and since then a huge community has formed around this engine. Inspite of the serious architectural shortcomings of the third branch inherited from previous versions this engine is considered to be one of the most powerful solutions of the free forums. A huge number of mods written by the community contribute to this.

As a rule, few people are satisfied with the standard functionality of phpBB 3, and every forum owner installs a few mods. However, many mods are not implemented well enough, the errors haven't been corrected for years due to the fact that the authors abandoned their mods. Moreover, there is no guarantee for compatibility of the mods with each other as well as with new versions of phpBB. Besides, if you are not qualified enough you can make mistakes during modding. The result might be unstable.

phpBBex (phpBB extended) is an attempt to create a more advanced version of phpBB, which in this case will remain just a forum, not a combination for all occasions. phpBBex is developed on the professional level, the source code is under Mercurial version control. Most of the changes made do not exist in the form of mods. Almost all the installed mods existing outside phpBBex were reworked a good deal: bugs fixed, the code was adapted to the latest version of phpBB.

If phpBBex without modification suits you more than the standard phpBB 3, it will undoubtedly become the best choice for you.

What's new?

Will be translated from Russian... Google Translated version.
Автор темы, Администратор
Откуда: Finland
Репутация: 1685
С нами: 12 лет 11 месяцев

Inform Admin about new User

Сообщение #2 tritop » 26.03.2016, 21:37

Hello @All!
I checked "User Registration via E-Mail". Is it possible to send additional information about new user registration to admin?
Thank for reply in advance! :)

Сообщение #3 Sumanai » 26.03.2016, 22:48

What particular information and how?
Sumanai M
Репутация: 1678
С нами: 12 лет 2 месяца

Сообщение #4 tritop » 27.03.2016, 14:02

Only Username and IP by E-Mail.
Thanks for fast reply @Sumanai!

Сообщение #5 Sumanai » 27.03.2016, 17:31

Turn on the "Account activation - By admin" in "User registration settings" in the ACP.
Also in the UCP, in the "Edit notification options" configure "User requiring activation" for sending email.
Unfortunately, only sent the username, and to add to IP and email user registers need to make mod or an extension.
What is your version of phpBBex?
Sumanai M
Репутация: 1678
С нами: 12 лет 2 месяца

Сообщение #6 tritop » 28.03.2016, 21:31

phpex v2.0.3
It should already be that the user can self-register by link. Only thing I want is an additional info to admin that a new account is created.
Something like bcc.

Сообщение #7 Sumanai » 28.03.2016, 22:04

Exactly! There are also a ready extension should work:

Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 11 секунд:
I tested, extension is working. There is a slight hitch with the date, but it's stuff.
Sumanai M
Репутация: 1678
С нами: 12 лет 2 месяца

Сообщение #8 tritop » 29.03.2016, 19:50

Yeehaaa! Thats it! Thanks you very much @Sumanai! :smile:

Сообщение #9 Random American » 21.08.2022, 04:38

It's cool that you've added new features and provide support for your modified phpBB versions. I will test this on localhost.
Random American
Репутация: 0
С нами: 2 года 7 месяцев

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