Источник: http://www.webmonkey.com/2013/04/w3c-drops-hgroup-tag-from-html5-spec/
В черновик HTML 5.1 тег не включен. (пока не включен?)
Вместо предлагается использовать разметку по образцу
Список разделов › Общие разделы › Оффтопик
<div ng-app="components">
<pane title="Localization">
Date: {{ '2012-04-01' | date:'fullDate' }} <br>
Currency: {{ 123456 | currency }} <br>
Number: {{ 98765.4321 | number }} <br>
<pane title="Pluralization">
<div ng-controller="BeerCounter">
<div ng-repeat="beerCount in beers">
<ng-pluralize count="beerCount" when="beerForms"></ng-pluralize>
factotum:В черновик HTML 5.1 тег не включен. (пока не включен?)
The hgroup element is obsolete. To mark up subheadings, consider either just putting the subheading into a p element after the h1-h6 element containing the main heading, or else putting the subheading directly within the h1-h6 element containing the main heading, but separated from the main heading by punctuation and/or within, for example, a span class="subheading" element with differentiated styling. To group headings and subheadings, alternative titles, or taglines, consider using the header or div elements.